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Goodwin | Sat | 11/02 | 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Our current E.A.R. artist, Amber Saeed Goodwin, is sharing the secrets of her paintings in her current show "Auror Borealis"!

Discover how to create unique cells and lacing by using tools such as palette knives and hair dryers. Cell art is a form of acrylic pouring where colors are layered on top of each other and then either swiped with a palette knife or blown with air to create a unique cellular reaction. 

In this step-by-step workshop you will learn how to create various forms of cell art. This workshop will also go over color theory and the different recipes to mix your acrylic paints and also how to prepare your canvas.  We will also go over which acrylic paint brands work best to achieve a beautiful painting. 

Students will walk away with three amazing paintings and ample knowledge to create their own cell art.
