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Williams | Wed | 6/12 - 7/31 | 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

In this illustration class, we will explore the creative possibilities of drawing and painting to produce expressive and engaging illustrations. You will learn various techniques and approaches to develop your skills in creating illustrations that communicate emotions and convey meaning. This illustration class is designed to help you develop your own unique style and approach to drawing and painting.

Through a combination of hands-on instruction, feedback, and exploration, you'll learn how to create expressive, dynamic illustrations that reflect your individual vision and voice. Throughout the course, you will also be encouraged to keep a sketchbook, which will serve as a space for you to experiment with different styles, materials, and ideas. Your sketchbook will be a valuable tool for brainstorming, sketching, and refining your ideas, and will help you to develop your personal style and approach to illustration.

You'll have the opportunity to work on a range of projects, from simple sketches to more complex illustrations, and will be encouraged to experiment with different materials and techniques to find what works best for you.
