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Collins | Sat | 6/8 | 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Join us for this fun class on creating mosaic necklaces.
Class includes all materials:
Over a dozen different pendant blanks (bezels) to choose from
Beads, tile, glass, china, smalti and more

The class will begin with a slideshow and then a short demonstration.
This is an easy relaxing class suitable for all skill levels. Terrific way to create original jewelry without having to solder or saw. You will learn two methods using different adhesives.

If you have taken this class before from Rebecca know that in this longer workshop, she can teach you how to work in more of a production style method and train you to hone in on your design skills enabling you to reproduce your best design concepts very quickly in a variety of colors.

Students will create up to 6 necklaces. Some students may work slower, and they will be given materials to complete any unfinished projects at home.

Bring a sack lunch.
