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Mast | Sat | 5/25; 6/8; 6/22 | 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Come join us as we delve into the historical process of cyanotype printmaking.  We will use a camera-less process to create blue-colored prints by combining iron salt-coated paper and ultraviolet light. 

May 11 - Intro to Cyanotype Printmaking

We will be making prints by placing objects on a pre-prepared light-sensitive surface.  These objects can be foraged at CAC or brought with you, and stencils, translucent objects like beads, plant specimens, or anything with unusual edging work great for this.  Items that light can pass through, like bubble wrap, glass, or marbles, work well also.  Paper and chemistry will be provided.

May 25 - Cyanotype Printmaking from Digital Print Negatives

Bring a collection of digital photographs.  Together, we will convert the digital file to a printed cyanotype negative and we will learn how to make a test print and a correctly exposed final print from there.  Similarly to the first session, these final prints can incorporate botanical objects or shapes in addition to your digital negatives to create a unique piece of art.

June 8 - Embellished Cyanotypes 

Using a variety of art materials, we will explore embellishing your cyanotype prints.  Paint pens, watercolors, colored pencils, metallic leaves, and collage materials are all forms of mixed media we will use to add depth and texture to your pieces.  For this workshop, you will need to bring finished cyanotypes and any additional materials outside of those provided that you wish to use. 

