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Mast | Sun | 6/16 - 6/30 |11:00 AM - 2:00 PM

This workshop series is open to anyone, regardless of skill level. This course is perfect for those who are photo-curious or simply want to improve their skill and develop a photography practice. 


#1. What does that button do? - May 5

Whether using your cell phone, tablet, computer, film, digital camera, or anything else, together we will explore ways for you to best use them to capture the vibrant world around you.  With individual direction from the instructor and sharing experiences with the group, anyone can improve their ability to take pictures and share them with others, even if they are starting from scratch. (BYOC)


#2.  Where did their head go? - May 19

Expanding on basic photography capture, we will delve into the basic adjustments used to take pictures up to the next level, including exposure, composition, and lighting.  Understanding how these affect the final picture can open up new avenues to your photographic world, even if you have no exposure to these concepts before.  


#3 Now what? - June 2

Finally, once you are exploring the world of photography, you will learn how to process and finalize the pictures you have taken with tools such as apps, simple editing software, and transferring to print…whether using pre-processed film or digital photography.  We will also discuss elements like data storage and organization, so you don’t lose track of your work.  This final step will help you to share the world you are seeing in your viewfinder with the people in your life.  
