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Drennan | Tue | 10/29 - 12/10 | 1:00 PM - 4:00 PMDrennan | Tue | 10/29 - 12/10 | 6:30 PM - 9:30 PMDrennan | Wed | 10/30 - 12/11 | 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Start at the beginning learning basic techniques or step in where you left off and increase your knowledge and skill level. Each student will paint to their own strengths. A one-on-one approach to teaching is applied as you develop your sills using acrylic paint. Explore traditional to abstract and contemporary genres.


Skills Acquired:

  • Best practices for approaching painting from real objects, photos and your imagination.
  • Knowledge of gels and mediums that can change drying time, texture and consistency.
  • Fundamental composition rules and techniques such as dry brush, wash and impasto

Prerequisites: None
