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Kies | Thu | 10/17 - 12/12 | 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

We will explore the many fun ways fiber can be transformed. Whether you are brand new to fiber art, a seasoned textile master, or somewhere in-between, each session offers new experiences for all. This 8-week class will take your previous art skills to a new level, enhancing your work; it will include sewing (embroidery, piecing, and quilting), surface treatment (dyeing, printing, painting), and knot work (free, crochet, loomed). The first half of the session, we will work on material making and surface design, employing block printing, cyanotype, gel-plate printing, image transfer, and various dyeing and resist methods. Then, we will use the material we made and treated to build freestanding forms or sculptures.


Prerequisites: None
