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Coan | Mon | 10/14 - 12/9 | 9:30 AM - 12:30 AMCoan | Tue | 10/15 - 12/10 | 6:30 PM - 9:30 PMSellers | Wed | 10/16 - 12/11 | 9:30 AM - 12:30 AMCoan | Thu | 10/17 - 12/12 | 6:30 PM - 9:30 PMSellers | Sat | 10/19 - 12/14 | 9:30 AM - 12:30 AM

For new students, this class will develop your creative, technical and problem-solving skills, in additional to cultivating the 3-D aspect of metal sculpture. Basic and Intermediate design principles of design will be identified and used throughout the course.  You will be introduced and asked to engage in dialogue in order to build on a visual vocabulary of your own.  You will learn welding techniques using an oxy-acetylene torch and arc welder teaching dimension, perspective and composition.


For intermediate and advanced students, this class will continue to develop your creative, technical and problem-solving skills. Advanced principles of design will be identified and used throughout the course. You will be asked to engage in dialogue in order to build on a visual vocabulary of your own. You will learn advanced welding techniques using an oxy-acetylene torch, MIG, and arc welder teaching dimension, perspective and composition.


Skills Acquired:

  • Proficiency in brazing (similar to soldering)
  • Arc/Stick welding techniques
  • All options with the oxy/acetylene torch and the use of tools necessary to think through the process to complete a project you choose


Prerequisites: None
