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Thoman | Tue | 7/9 - 7/30 | 5:45 PM - 8:45 PM

Intaglio Printing covers a wide range of techniques, in this class we will focus on basic line and tone. Using a variety of surfaces, you will explore Drypoint, becoming comfortable with drawing into a hard surface. Tone will be introduced with carborundum, you will explore pattern through the addition of the Collagraph, and experiment with adding color using surface rolls and stencils. If you are new to printmaking, this class will expand your creative process, creating a suite of prints, uniquely individual, yet connected through the study of this process. You will be working with Metal and alternative surfaces; working a Green Print Studio using Soy Based and other Alternative print materials. The Intaglio Print Basic Non-Toxic Printmaking IV A Series of Printmaking classes designed by DAFPS for the Creative Arts Center of Dallas.

This workshop will be held at the artist's studio: 
Terri Thoman - Paper Arts
118 N. Peak Street
Dallas, TX 75226

This class meets once a week for three hours for four-weeks.
