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Kramer | Tue | 10/15 - 12/10 | 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Paint along with Dave for this 8-week class we will be learning to abstract. Simplifying an oil painting to its bare elements. It's a minimal way of painting representational art and will help you with plein air painting, painting faster, and loosening up. These are 8"x10" oil painting projects (so pick up a 12-pack of 8"x10"s) with a critique at the end of each lesson. After payment and before the session begins, you'll receive an email with a link to the photo reference along with the Zoom ID.


Prerequisites: Beginner Oil Painting from Photos OR pre-approval from instructor. 1+ year of oil painting experience required. Call the office at 214-7320-1275 for pre-approval.
